June 13, 2009

How well more can it go?

Kinda teased Baby about her inability to do the cock-eye...you know, like this:

I wasn't being mean...juz playing around.

Anyway, we had fun prawning @ Bishan Park ytd. We caught 11 critters. Could have been more if we extended the duration but then we were more than satisfied with our result. The last time we went we had only like 3...so ya...^^

I'll be testing a photo cloud thingy later on...it's a pretty cool little app...see how it works...if nothing goes wrong I might use Flickr fulltime for my photos subsequently.

Heading out now for my movie date...Sentosa tmr?

1 comment:

Zann said...

kns... i cannot cockeye means my eyes are normal! hahaha