July 2, 2009

Time of passing...

Finally got some time to do some updates here. The super early working hours for the past temp job left me pretty drained at the end of the day...come to think of it, how long have I not been updating? lol...

Alot of old news. Watched Taking of Pelham 123 and Transformers 2 in the last month. I wonder what will happen if our own MRT got hijacked? Hmm let's see...some auntie will go press the red button and complain to the train operator on why the train stopped halfway and she's late for her mahjong session and she's gonna miss the 5.20pm bus from Hougang Interchange and she thought it's going to rain soon and she haven't bring in her laundry yet......if John Travolta's character is in that MRT, the movie's probably gonna end then and there.

Transformers will die hard. If the producers have any heart, please make more sequels. Like 10 or more...at least more than Star Wars or something. Even then, where got enuff? It's like so good lor, wahlau...

Everybody knows by now, MJ is dead. Pity he had to go early. I kinda grew up with his music. His earlier songs were so catchy and the earlier MTVs were so Bollywood. ROFL. If you've seen the spin-offs, you will know what I mean. There are rumours that he's still alive and kicking, that he cloned himself beforehand and he's going to go ahead with his world tour. How ridiculous is that? Give the dead man a break.

July comes. Checked your account yet? Mediocre GST credits rolling in.

Baby finally got her Nokia E71. ENVY!!! I also want new phone......bloody M1 never give me voucher one. I wanna switch provider liao.

Can't wait for Ice Age 3 to come. Den I can see Baby in action...errr...I mean Scrat. (^.^)y

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