August 13, 2009

Aliens - We can live with you one

Yes, you can help yourselves to our slums

Baby booked tix for District 9 early today so we had an impromptu date after her work. Never heard much of this feature so I wasn't sure what to expect. I was trying to second-guess baby about the movie plot but I end up confusing myself with another movie I was reading up on...ooppss sorry (^.^)y

Fortunately, it turned out to be quite an engaging movie. I had brought along my jacket for baby in case the theater's cold but we sat thru the end without even using it. Baby actually felt cold during the show and she didn't even mention and I didn't even remember to ask.That's how good the show was. Nothing less expected from Peter Jackson I should say.

Verdict: Catch it. At least I guarantee it will be entertaining. It has a very documentarised, live-reporting kind of theme to it so it's different from the normal genre of sci-fi action movies.

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