What have I been doing? Basically spending life with baby. Quite abit to write about but that's not the difficult part. For me it's the remembering part. LOL. Baby dun shake your head. I can imagine you doing that already and going tsktsktsk...
First off, we worked together for a number of events. Taking the train together in the early morning and growing tired together at the end of the day. Ok if you are female, please repeat after me: Awwww, so sswwweeeeetttt!!
We watched several movies too. I think I should give some reviews here.
- Ice Age 3 3D - My first 3D movie. What can I say? Got Scrat got Manny got Diego got Idiot Sid...I enjoyed it. Very 3D. Somemore it's Pixar movie leh. Big fan here.
- Hangover - Walao, this show is underrated. It's so hilarious, from the start till the end. How can a movie be so fucking funny? It really took brains to make a comedy work nowadays and this movie owned bigtime. You know how some people can pull off cold jokes and still be funny at the same time? This show is one freaking excellent example of really impeccable comic timing. Verdict: ALL comedies should be like this one.
- G.I.Joe - Hot babes alert. A pretty decent spinoff of the cartoon. Action guaranteed of cos. The exosuits worn by the Joes reminded me of the SPF commercial. What if our local law-enforcers had that kind of technology? Best lor. Whoever wanna escape from toilet also cannot run far, confirm kena caught again.
- Public Enemies - Baby loved this show...bcos why?...bcos got Johnny Depp. Haiz...why har? Why do zabors swoon over him? I guess somewhere somehow someone is mouthing, "You men just dun get it". Ya right, we men dun wanna get it. If we were more primal, we probably will just "GET HIM!" instead. Otherwise, good story, nice pace. Everything bad became romanticized. It made crime look so good that I think during that era the police was probably the faggiest profession.
- Up - No need say liao. Pixar movie again. Confirm good. I just love Pixar's short clips. Always so funny. Up's actually has quite a touching buildup to the whole story. Fulfilling a promise to a loved one even when the person is no longer around. It takes courage to get around the guilt and start doing something. There is something in this movie that Baby n I would like to see ourselves go through and I couldn't help smiling to that.
Baby n I did alot of prawning as well. We are machiam regulars now at Bishan Park. Less hassle and more convenient than fishing though I do miss the latter. Sadly I dun have my own transport otherwise it's regular fishing every other weekend man. On the other hand, Baby enjoys more at prawning cos she can haolian she caught bigger prawns than me.
In fact, we just went again yesterday. I managed to hook a mutilated prawn corpse. Head gone, legs gone. Dun ask me why, I also dunno. But I suspected got foul play. Gangster prawns running rampant. Like human gangsters, they also resort to violence resulting in unnecessary bloodshed. The victim at the end of my hook probably had crossed paths with the delinquents in the water. Ok I'm crapping. But wth, I never seen anybody caught prawn corpses before. Except me. KNN.
I had baby's cooking some time back. BLESSED!! Mushroom treat and tasty scrambled eggs, downing them with a nice bowl of soup. FULL!! If baby everyday cook lidat for me I'm in heaven liao. Actually hor I is can cook one, only that my pattern abit different from other pple. So my dishes usually not very the noraml kind. Edible one la.
In return I made something for her the other day. A very simple sausage speared through 2 pieces of heart-shaped Gardenia bread. I could have used 'pierced' but 'speared' sounds more action-mama. Anyway, it's to compensate the other time when I unwittingly gobbled down the whole hotdog bun when she only had a mouthful. I have no idea why :p.
Still got so many other things to do with you!! I dun wan it to end. Loves.
Ok I hope I remembered most of the things I did over the past month or so to put them here. Nvm, baby will remind me if I missed out anything. Right baby? See...you shake head again...tsktsktsk.
1 comment:
I was really shaking my head as you mentioned lor! kns... hahaaa..
ur entry makes me smile =)
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